It would be helpful if students can be rostered with accommodations and follows them throughout the school year

Ashley Mudrick commented
PLEASE add this feature. It is so time consuming to add accommodations to each test session a student is in, especially when there are multiple makeup sessions.
Michele Kerr commented
I agree 100%. The time it takes to have to do this for each student 3x a year is unnecessary. I work in a BOCES and we have a lot of tests read students. Please consider changing this!
Meagan Dupre commented
This would be a HUGE help for districts to ensure the proper students receive the correct system administered accommodations with every assessment given!!
Julie von Pertz commented
Aligning accessibility resources with IEPs and 504 plans for testing is crucial. It is also important to lock down access for entering and updating accessibility resources in a testing platform to only one or two people per school. Establishing an upload process, the ability to enter and update accessibility resources by student, and maintaining the resources in the system would be most beneficial in ensuring students receive the supports they need and/or have been identified.