324 results found
Pinning the Column Headings
Are you able to pin the headings "Listening Comprehension", "Picture Vocabulary", etc. so that when we scroll down , we don't have to keep scrolling back up to see the heading titles? Thank you.
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MAP Fluency Improvements
In MAP Fluency, while I understand the flagging metrics are proprietary, it would be really helpful to provide some guidance to teachers/admins to understand why some students are flagged and not others who have similar deficits.
Also in MAP Fluency, on the Student Report, can you imbed the interpretive table data specific to the grade of the child for each area for a more efficient review of the data. Having to flip back and forth between tabs (or papers that we print), it seems intuitive that it should be included on the student reports.
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Missed items
How do we know which words the student missed?
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PM Reports
Is there any way to see all of the Progress Monitor reports- Phonological Awareness, Phonic/Word Work, Oral Reading Fluency- all on one print out for a single student?
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Auto assigned a test I don't want
You have auto assigned Adaptive Oral Reading to my entire school. I do not want this. Can I please delete this test that was just auto assigned "whole building" rather than one student at a time?
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PM Data graph
Please show benchmark scores on the progress monitoring chart. Indicate with a star on the graph.
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Adaptive Oral Reading should "adapt" for older grades, too.
It would be awesome if the Adaptive Oral Reading Assessment was still "adaptive" at upper grades. There are 4th-8th grade students who still need support with foundational skills. You're sidelining the highest needs students by not having the Adaptive Oral Reading Assessment "adapt" to foundational skills for students who need that support.
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Suggestion:Same format for student and proctor
When you need to review- it should look similar to how the student sees it while they are reading (tracking). We've noticed a lot of tracking issues but wondering if it how the passage is formed (more column than paragraph style).
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Printing improvement
Make it print the same way it shows on the screen
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I am curious if NWEA is making progress towards equitable Spanish assessments and reporting. For example, a Spanish dyslexia screener, the ability to progress monitor in Spanish, and screener outcomes data for Spanish assessments.
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More activities
Why are all the activities the same???
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Family Reports for MAP Reading Fluency
I would like to see a Parent/Family report developed for the MAP Reading Fluency (like the regular MAP Growth testing.
I feel that this would be helpful information in helping families to understand reading skill areas and growth.
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Parent Report
I would like parent/family reports to be easily accessible, in one location, and comprehensive with language that they can understand. I would like there to be a way to also send these via email. Lastly, I feel it would be more likely to be utilized by parents if it was condensed to a single page.
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Microphone issue
We have difficulty with the program hearing the students. The students have to scream "I am ready!" in order to open the assessment.
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The headset with the microphone doesn't work properly at times, hearing the child is ready.
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Family report
I would like a parent/family report to send home.
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The microphones do not always work.
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The headphones/microphones don't work and we've even ordered the kind specified by the company.
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Need data labels in charts
Provide data labels on the graphs of "Students with Oral Reading & Foundational Skills Scores". Without data labels, it's quite difficult to see how many students have moved between performance bands.
1 vote
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