Please Bring Back Student Goal Setting Form
Please bring back the Student Goal Setting Worksheet! These were perfect to use with students to set goals with them rather than setting them for them. The paper showed their strengths and areas of growth in a way students were able to understand and participate in! We loved using these in Winter and Spring and took the time to meet with each student to goal set. Students were invested in their progress when we used this worksheet with them!
Please bring them back!
Crystal Shaffer commented
These reports were so important and I was so frustrated when they were removed and not replaced. Growth should be a discussion with students. Students should be aware of what they are striving to acieve so they can take ownership of their education, stay motivated, and measure their progress over time. All we have now are reports for the teachers to read and then we have to manually create papers for the students to understand their goals and what they are working to achieve.
Sandy Boersma commented
This report was invaluable for discussing students' results and motivating them to "try to beat the computer's estimation." The bar graphs on this report are a better visual profile for them than the student profile report is.