Map Growth Report Historical Percentile Ranks should now be included on the Student Profile Report
Map Growth Report Historical Percentile Ranks should now be included on the Student Profile Report since the Growth Reports are being retired. We need to be able to see and print all of the student's percentile ranks on one printable page. On the Student Profile Report we have to click on the RIT scores to reveal the percentile ranks but there is no way to print the report with all of the percentile ranks showing. Please contact us for more information:
Dr. Linnea Van Eman
Karen Dotson
Karen Dotson commented
My district uses the Student Progress Report to quickly see each student's percentile rank for every MAP test they have ever taken. We are looking for patterns of advanced scores in the 90th percentile. The Student Progress Report is the only place where that information is available at a glance for both reading and math. Please find a way to include this information on the Student Profile report as you revise it in preparation for it replacing the Student Progress report.
Linnea Van Eman commented
Map Growth Report Historical Percentile Ranks should now be included on the Student Profile Report since the Growth Reports are being retired. We need to be able to see and print all of the student's percentile ranks on one printable page. On the Student Profile Report we have to click on the RIT scores to reveal the percentile ranks but there is no way to print the report with all of the percentile ranks showing. Please contact us for more information:
Dr. Linnea Van Eman
Karen Dotson