Grade Report vs. School Profile Report
Our school currently uses the Grade Report to look at data on a student-by-student basis for the whole grade and determine students in need of Tier 2 and Tier 3 interventions. The School Profile Report, which is listed as a replacement for the Grade Report, does not allow you to sort the entire grade alphabetically or by RIT score, regardless of classroom teacher. Additionally, although you can hover and see which students scored in each range, you cannot print that information, or get the detailed information about student scores in specific instructional areas for all of the students in the grade from that report, but only for students within a specific class.
What it does allow me to do is to see the data by classroom, but that is already covered by the Class Profile, so this seems redundant. At the high school level, especially, this is very frustrating as many courses have mixed grade levels of students in them and students take many different courses, which complicates the Achievement by Class view. Additionally, students don't always have the same teacher all year, so this information can be confusing or misleading at the high school level.
The grade level view of the breakdown by Instructional Area RIT Range was another nice feature of the old version that is missing from the School Profile Report. This allowed teachers to see which areas they might need to provide a greater emphasis on moving forward.
Please make a way for us to view a single, sortable, printable list of all of the students within a grade at one time, regardless of their teacher and include all the Instructional Performance Area data that was available in the Grade Report in the new version. A replacement report should offer all of the functionality of what it is replacing, not take away valuable features.