Expand the number of MAC operating systems that can be used for testing
I have been asked to write to you by my technology department to request that you try to expand the range of Mac operating systems that your secure browser will operate on in a given year.
We are a Mac school. From grade 5, our students buy their own Mac. In grades 1 to 4, the school has a bank of Mac computers that are available for classes to use. As a school, we cannot afford to be constantly replacing the Macs that we have in the school. Some of the Macs we use in school are 6 or 7 years old. We hope that the Macs that the students get in grade 5 will last for a significant amount of the time they remain in school with us and many students in grade 12 are using the Mac that they got when they were in grade 5. Consequently, students may be taking tests on Macs that are almost four years old.
Your current system requirements means that for us to use the secure browser, our students must be running an updated version of an operating system on their Macs which has been released in the last couple of years. Even the non-secure browser seems to require Monterrey which was released in 2021. If students were using a Windows computer, the operating system that is required has been around since 2015.
I am advised that updating to a new Mac operating systems tends to require a lot of space on the hard drive, and this can lead to difficulties even when the computer is not very old. We understand that this is a problem created because Apple frequently introduce new browsers. However, if it were possible that the secure browser and the non-secure online browsers could be set up so that they can run on Mac browsers that are even one or two years older, this would be very beneficial to us.
Thank you for your consideration.