Oral reading directions
When given a passage on the adaptive oral reading test, students are not given the directions to read it aloud. They are simply told "next I will show you a passage. Do your best reading.". Many of my students read it silently resulting in no score for oral reading rate or accuracy. I suggest the directions be changed to tell the user to read the passage out loud.
Christy McBrayer commented
*Also, for students with insufficient scores: (In Georgia, we need a "Flagged" or "Not Flagged" status to be in compliance with HB 538 and/or SB 48)
-In many of these cases, the students are not reading the oral passage aloud. When you go to review the audio...the student did not read at all or they didn't read long enough. It would be great if it redirected them to "oral directions" of how to do this with visual cues. Also, it would be wonderful if, for the first 60 seconds of the recording, the student couldn't click off for it to be less than 60 seconds.