40 results found
School Data Manager
We could really use a school Data Manager! It is so important that things run smoothly, and having on site staff would be very helpful.
2 votes -
Search for More than 200 Students at a Time
I want to administer the test to an entire grade level but we have more than 1,100 students, so it is difficult to put them all into a testing session. I want to be able to search for all of 6th grade at a time but can't because I can't search for more than 200 at once. Can you please lift that restriction? Thank you!
2 votes -
School Data Administrator
Creating a School Data Administrator position would allow a data leader at our school to be in control of rostering, resetting tests, adjusting settings such as Weeks of Instruction, etc. instead of relying on someone at the district/Archdiocese level for these tasks. This would help our school's teachers and leaders have a better understanding and greater investment in the testing process.
18 votes -
Consider adding impersonation role for district coordinators.
Frequently, campus admin. and teachers have an issue, or need step by step instructions despite providing them the directions from the site. An ability to impersonate a campus admin. or teacher would allow district coordinates to provide specific process as well as assist in trouble shooting issues.
7 votes -
Update to Rosters Import File Requirements
The new update to the rosters import file requirements necessitates that each row have a valid email address associated with it. In theory, this is a good idea. But in practice, it is causing more work for schools/districts who have classes that are not yet assigned to an instructor yet (for example, classes currently being covered by a long-term sub). Previously, we were able to upload the file with "Staff" listed in the instructor column. Now, I am forced to manually change 300+ rows of data to connect each student in these classes to the appropriate instructor account. The previous…
2 votes -
Your new home page is terrible
Was the idea to add both marketing garbage and more clicks to get to the things we actually want? If so, bravo.
Admin like me want the admin/management page. Teachers want the reporting page. The only people who want "product news and updates" to be the first thing we see is your marketing team.
Get rid of it, or at least give us the option of setting our home page.
9 votes -
User Role Activity Log
From a System Administrator standpoint, it would be great to have an NWEA user activity log to go back to. This way if anything needs attention and investigation as to why it changed or who changed it there is a way to follow up on it. It will also be useful if the activity log can be searched by the role type of the account holders. The activity logs data range could cover the current school year and the year before to allow for change control and case management.
2 votes -
NWEA MAP Text-to-Speech Accommodation for Math Assessment
Text-to-Speech Accommodation for Math Assessment: Enable the Text-to-Seech Accommodation to be applied directly to the test itself instead of individual students. Text to Speech is a standard support for our students during Mathematics and Algebra assessments. The current method of assigning this accommodation to students, particularly during mixed-grade test sessions, is inefficient. The option could be added to the MODIFY TESTS section of Modify Preferences.
17 votes -
Student Groups by Instructional Areas
For RTI purposes (Tier 3 specifically), it would be very beneficial if students could be grouped by instructional areas based off of their benchmark assessments.
4 votes -
Make the Start Screen load faster
The new Start screen takes so much longer than the old home screen to load-- please fix it!
5 votes -
make a parent login
Make it possible for parents and students to login and see their data. Allowing batched PDF downloads is not empowering for these stakeholders and creates a ton of work for people in coordinator positions within the schools.
12 votes -
Warning that Platform is Nearing End Of Life
Each year our schools are caught off guard when Chromebooks and IPads are not able to support NWEA testing. It would great if, as one of these devices approaches end of life, the NWEA application would detect the situation and notify the users that their machine may not work during an upcoming testing session.
4 votes -
Accomodations Received on Student Report
I would love an easy way to pull testing accommodations that a student received during testing at the campus/district level. If a student receives the wrong accomodation/did not receive an accommodation, our test data becomes invalid. Currently having to pull the data from the data export scheduler is not user friendly. You have to compare reports to find what you are looking for. If one of the reports within the export showed the student name, test they took, and the accommodations assigned, (within one report), that would be extremely helpful. The way it is currently set up, you have to…
11 votes -
Student Count in Test Scheduling
When I am selecting students to add to a test session, it would be really helpful if they were numbered in the Student List. Sometimes I can have 50+ students in a session without any quick way of reconciling and checking that I have the correct number of students other than counting them all.
4 votes -
Associating classes with a profile
Can we have a 'Select-All' button when adding existing classes to a profile? That would be much more convenient. Thanks!
3 votes -
Go back to the old website
All I want to do is print my students' scores...not train on how to find them on your website. No one has time for that and I can't find any of the stuff I actually need! Let's take it back to an assessment website instead of a professional development website.
2 votes -
Rename "Growth Math 6+" to "Growth Math Secondary"
Many view the Growth Math 6+ as a 6th grade test based on the title. Given its content and span, I would recommend the name be changed to "Growth Math Secondary".
6 votes -
Being able to impersonate the instructor
There are at times, when a teacher reaches out and can't find a student or is having an issue with a test session. I have another program that we use for assessing students and at the highest of roles, I have the ability to become that user to see what they are seeing. That would be a great tool to be able to have at the system admin role in NWEA. It would help me to be able to troubleshoot an issue faster for a teacher who is struggling.
15 votes -
CSV file to assign accommodations
Would love to be able to upload a csv to assign accommodations for students.
11 votes -
Please make it easier to remove multiple schools at a time from the School Proctor Role.
Make it so you can click multiple "radio buttons" next to school names at time to remove schools from the School Proctor role. As of right now you can only delete one school at a time and it's painful and very time consuming when you have remove 51 schools from one teachers and you have 1,000 teachers to edit.
3 votes
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