17 results found
Parent Letter
Provide a parent-friendly report of student scores similar to MAP Growth's parent letter.
31 votes -
clever badge sign in
As a Kindergarten teacher, my students only ever use Clever Badges to sign into their Chromebooks. It's incredibly difficult to assign usernames and passwords, and then expect those same students to sign in to the system.
Is it at all possible to change the sign in to Clever badge sign in? PLEASE!9 votes -
Simplify student login process on iPads
Simplify iPad student login process using QR codes - this would be much simpler than guiding 5 and 6-year-old students to enter usernames and passwords.
6 votes -
Student Tracking of Progress Monitoring
We love MAP Fluency & the progress monitor feature. We would love for an option to be added so that students who are doing the oral reading fluency progress monitoring can track their progress by being able to log in & listen to their previous recordings. This would help with student goal setting too!
5 votes -
Tutorial about mistakes
At the end of the benchmark and or progress monitoring it always says Great Work! Sensational! It would be great to have a tutorial of the missed questions. This would be a great teaching tool and immediate feedback. It would be better than making them think they got all of the questions.
correct when they didn't. When students see Great Work! They think they did everything correctly. Since the same words are being used, they are making the same mistakes over and over again.3 votes -
We need a sentence reading fluency PRACTICE TEST!
Kids need practice navigating the screen, moving their mouse quickly to the picture that matches the sentence, and taking the test with a two minute timer.
2 votes -
Benchmark Domain Scores on the Progress Monitoring Graph
If you could also put the 50th percentile ON the progress monitoring graph, it would be helpful so we know where the "goal" is at for EOY scores for our students.
2 votes -
add dates to when the scholar took the progress montoring and when they read that passage
can we add dates to when a scholar took the assessment for what passage they read
2 votes -
goal on graph
progress monitoring graphs should include a trend line and a goal so that graphs can be read by parents and they can easily see progress towards a goal.
2 votes -
2 votes
Student Videos
Create a Spanish version of the student experience videos (MAP Growth and MRF) – this will help the parents of our bilingual students have access to videos in their native language.
2 votes -
story format the same for student & teacher
To make it easier to see if students are skipping lines and are having tracking issues, could the teacher screen that shows the miscues be in the same format as the students screen?
1 voteThank you for taking the time to provide feedback for MAP Reading Fluency. We have recently provided an enhancement that is available for purchase that assists students as a tutoring solution called Coach. This provides feedback to students as they are reading and shares information with educators to support their reading journey. Please see here for more information. https://www.nwea.org/map-reading-fluency/
WPM Audio for Late Starters
Is there a way to for us to cut audio to adjust wpm if the student did not start reading right away or if they do not hit done right away?
1 vote -
Confusing site!
The new layout of this site is confusing and not user friendly! The news articles shouldn't be the first thing you see once logged in; it should be all the components of MAP Growth and Fluency. So unnecessarily confusing!
1 vote -
Unassign a test
Admins should have the ability to unassign tests or progress monitoring that have been assigned.
1 vote -
? Will the practice test be available soon?This will really help a lot of students.
We need practice test in Spanish, please.
1 vote -
Year over year progress review
Teachers would benefit from a view of testing progress throughout the year.
0 votes
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