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MAP Growth

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MAP Growth



333 results found

  1. As a network of multiple charter schools, our MAP data is a vital part of the renewal and WASC process. We were recently requested by our charter authorizer to have our CGI scores broken down by Program and Ethnicity for each individual grade-level for the past three years. There was no easy way to obtain this information for past years. The combined report would have been the best place to obtain this info, but it only contains ethnicity data.

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  2. It would be very helpful for my team if the Family Report could be exported as a Word File or Google Doc. We mailmerge reports like this out to our families and mailmerge their addresses into it so that they can be sent to the correct place, but this is much harder to do with a PDF file. Thanks for your consideration!

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  3. I would love to be able to compare our school's data with other state schools participating in MAP Growth like we are able to do with the PSAT and SAT. We like to have a data point for both state and national averages for comparisons.

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  4. incorporate existing eye-tracking software (like Tobii) to the test. The software will track where student eyes go, how long they spent on each word of each question. This will help see if students are guessing or having trouble with certain vocabulary.

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  5. I am a sub contractor that builds reports for districts based on the NWEA MAP Growth Class Profile Report. It would be great if a sample PDF of the new MAP Report could be provided

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  6. Please provide printable class reports that the old website used to provide.

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  7. We have a student with significant visual impairments who requires very large font and specific color contrasts. Please consider how the test questions look when enlarged 300% or so, especially when the reading passages go across the screen rather than on half the screen. When making the text that large, it becomes impossible to navigate for a visually impaired individual.

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  8. Hi! We have several students where we have a legal obligation to provide accommodations (IEPs) , such as paper based testing. It would be really helpful to have an accessible option available to print. This would allow all of our students access to participate in testing, and allow us to have solid data points for our students receiving services. At this time, some students are not able to engage with this format of testing.

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  9. After having parent conferences and explaining the decrease in growth and/or achievement, we find ourselves pulling up the student profile at times and using more charts, graphics and data from it to explain the parent report. For example, the test duration would be great to include on the parent report. That, at times, explains why their score dropped. This helps teachers explain this decrease a little better.

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  10. It would be helpful for a proctor managing multiple classes in one testing session to be able to identify which class the students are. Being able to accurately identify a class to suspend test, test again, and etc.

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  11. In the class profile, the ability to select mutliple clasess at one time would be helpful.

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  12. Could NWEA create a report to show longitudinal growth/achievement over 5 years at the district/campus/teacher level? It could look like the graph on the student profile. :)

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  13. On the Early Skills Screener - allow students to click an answer and then click the answer box where they want to place it. This would eliminate us having to add an external mouse to devices that we've already spent a considerable amount on.

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  14. Partner Requests:

    Class Profile
    English and Spanish Tests for Reading side by side rather than toggling back and forth.

    School Profile
    A way to sort out specific teachers. Some districts roster with all class periods so all teachers can see the data, so they have to filter through music, p.e., etc. Will there be a way to pull out a list of teachers and generate a report?

    They want to be able to copy and paste data into their spreadsheeets, but the excel button doesn't seem to work for them (most likely due to incompatibility) and the csv is not…

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  15. We would love for students who test outside the district testing window to be able to be included in reports. We have students who move in after our initial window who we need to assess due to state requirements. There could be an ** noting that the score was outside the window, but the information is still important.

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  16. We love the Student Progress Report to share with families and that is has all of a student's results they have over the years with %iles. We print these and send home to families in K-5 and share the PDF 6th grade and up. This same data in not included in the Family Report. It is also helpful these can be produced in grade level batches by building.

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  17. To be more inclusive, the Gender X option should be available by default for all schools, rather than needing to make a special request to have it added.

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  18. I would love to be able to print off a copy of the NWEA growth family report in spanish. When I went looking for this option I came across this page which makes it seem like it is possible, but I was told by an agent that engineering hasn't been completed and that was why I couldn't find instructions.

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  19. Last year, I was able to do a search for students who had not yet completed testing and see which question number they were on. This information helped me determine how much time to set aside for students, how to group them, etc. in order to give them additional time to complete their testing. Please bring this feature back! I had to call tech support and go through my students one by one in order to get this data.

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  20. I'd like to be able to transfer my student's records from school to school when/if we move. Currently my employment has us moving quite often, while I can manually compare the scores from MAP testing it would be far more beneficial to have their record move with them if their new school conducts your testing.
    Within my employer alone there are thousands of children in a similar situation, not all of them are always at an NWEA MAP testing school but a sizable portion may be.

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