354 results found
data meeting with MAP growth
I would love to see a video with an administrator or coach actually doing a data meeting with teachers on their MAP Growth data. What does the conversation look like? What reports do they discuss? How do they connect it to their instruction?
2 votes -
It would be very helpful if we could get a CSV version of the report that shows students without valid tests/test results by status. CAASPP for example has a report that shows all students and their test statuses as a CSV, it's very helpful because I can plug that CSV into a spreadsheet of my own that groups students by class or grade or subject or easily filters for certain things, giving it as a PDF makes it very hard to share unless I'm sharing the whole file. Even just being able to get a report of the whole school…
6 votes -
Automatically give Instructor the School Proctor role.
When we use Clever for rostering, it gives teachers the Instructor role, but not the School Proctor role. Therefore, they are not able to administer testing. This is very tedious to manually add this role for every teacher. Please add School Proctor for all Instructors automatically.
5 votes -
Please increase the role of Administrator to have the system privilege of "Manage Users". I have requested this form several years now.
School leaders that have the Administrator role, should have the ability to manage users for their school. Otherwise, they cannot change a password for a user.
1 vote -
School Profile Report -- Completion by Class
It would be supportive to include an at a glance tab where a site admin could see assessment completion by class. It could drill down into the Class Profile for more detailed information. Possibly something like, "18/24 students have valid tests".
4 votes -
Allow Family report to be email to PARENTS
It would be AMAZING if the system could sync family reports for individual students to a family email (or a pair of email addresses) to each individual student registered to the test. In other words, if a SYNC could attach 2 family emails to a test taker, then the family report could be emailed to the specific family instead of the school having to print or save 350+ individual PDF results, manually saved, then attached to an email for all 350+ students.
13 votes -
rapid guessing
Rapid guessing currently only searches 30% or higher. That is insane. Anything over 5% impacts their score. And quite frankly, it is excellent data for apathy in the upper grades as well as speaking towards testing stamina.
3 votes -
MAP Testing for Social Studies 8th grade
There should be an option to test students and social studies, especially in Texas. Students are expected to know and learn 8th grade U.S. History for STAAR and it would be helpful to see them exposed to content in 6th-7th grade and to see if they have academically grown.
2 votes -
In the Combined Data Export, include the Student Grade at time of testing
Including the grade-level provides valuable information during score reporting
4 votes -
Grade Report vs. School Profile Report
Our school currently uses the Grade Report to look at data on a student-by-student basis for the whole grade and determine students in need of Tier 2 and Tier 3 interventions. The School Profile Report, which is listed as a replacement for the Grade Report, does not allow you to sort the entire grade alphabetically or by RIT score, regardless of classroom teacher. Additionally, although you can hover and see which students scored in each range, you cannot print that information, or get the detailed information about student scores in specific instructional areas for all of the students in the…
15 votes -
Add progress to students without valid test results
It would be great to add a column to "students without valid test results" that indicates their progress towards completion. Minimally "not started" vs "suspended", but even better for suspended students would be to indicate what question number they are on, as it would make it easier to budget time for makeups.
9 votes -
Student Progress Report Downloads
In order to do bulk uploads to a system, we need the pdfs to be saved under the student number. Right now, it's just generating a random number. I understand we can use a .csv file bulk upload, but not in the format of a pdf for parents, which is what we need. Can the saving convention be changed?
1 vote -
Clever Sync and Manually Rostering a student
If a school uses Clever Sync for Automatic Rostering, having a checkbox in the student profile for a manually entered student through NWEA that would override the sync of that profile would not be erased on the next sync. Then uncheck the student when ready to have the next sync erase the student. It would be helpful for screening new students before they are active in the school's SIS.
2 votes -
Include Teacher Assignment information in Combined Data File
In the data export scheduler, I would like the combined file to include teacher assignment information.
3 votes -
Please add Lexile score on Family Report!
Please add Lexile to family report so that we don't have to pull that from another report and share it separately.
Thank you!
Lynn Dixon8 votes -
Displaying entire class with multiple sections
When looking at the ASG quadrant report, I am unable to see an entire class period at once due to some of my classes being split in to multiple sections (Co-teach/ICS in high school). It would be awesome to be able to pull up those different sections all at once to see the data for a whole class period.
3 votes -
Conversion/Reference Sheet Tool
Students should have access to a conversion/reference sheet for formulas and measurements that is accessible on the toolbar throughout the test.
4 votes -
kindergarten answer boxes on math map
Kindergarten students may answer a math computation problem and when they have to tap and touch the number into the answer spot, it taps into the wrong place value column because the answer box is divided into ones and tens. Kindergarten is still in the early stages of understanding place value and should not have that count against them, as the main goal is that they understood the operation. The answer box should be developed with that in mind.
4 votes -
To allow text to speech as an accommodation for K-2.
We have 1st and 2nd grade dyslexia students that need the entire test read aloud. It would make it better to have the computer read it instead of a human so it would not distract others.
6 votes -
creating a CSV file for additional reports
We use the percentile ranking for several things at our school. If the information in the school profile could be downloaded in a CSV file that would be very helpful. We need to be able to sort the information. If the grade breakdown report included the percentile it would have everything we need.
2 votes
- Don't see your idea?