133 results found
Benchmark Matrix Report add Student ID
Add Student ID to Benchmart Matrix report or, much better and already suggested in multiple places here (I tried to find and comment on all I saw but time is precious), create a Parent Report that has the student ID so that Districts/Schools can split it out per student and sent digitally via services like ParentSquare, SchoolMessenger, Bright Arrow, etc.
3 votes -
Parent Progress Report
We would love a printable parent progress report from MAP Fluency that allows us to send home student test scores, ZPD etc. in a meaningful way to parents.
29 votes -
Is it possible to see all three benchmarks in 1 report for a student instead of toggling between each testing session?
6 votes -
1 vote
An idea would be to calculate the percentage for the sentence reading fluency so that teachers don't have do that themselves. The column should automatically tell you who needs to take the next test because teachers do not have time to do all this extra work.
Example: 20/22 - 90.1%
Example: 14/17 - DNQ (Does not qualify)2 votes -
Class Progress Monitoring Report
I would love a Report that shows grade level and class progress monitoring scores at-a-glance. We are using PM data and have to go into each student's individual report to see if they have completed their progress monitoring for the week, or to see if homeroom teachers have been monitoring Tier II students. Thanks!
24 votes -
Report Printing
Instead of basically "print screen" for a report, there should be a PDF option that's more condensed (i.e. not so spaced that a class report is 5 pages long). Printing any is SO CUMBERSOME. For how many options and formats are available with MAP Growth, it's so disappointing Fluency's are so lacking.
3 votes -
English Language Learner expected growth
It would be great to have a table that projects expected EL growth in each domain for foundational skills to make sure they're making appropriate progress, even though they will continue to be below expectations.
1 vote -
Oral Fluency Score In Spanish
Reading Fluency
I would like to know why there isn't an Oral Fluency for Spanish!
Why isn't there a parent letter to help parents understand the results.2 votes -
Reading Fluency Growth Chart
There is a chart in MAP Growth that shows each child's growth over the years of taking MAP assessments in Growth. (Think the chart you see on your retirement statements. Is the line going up, down, or staying steady.) It would be great to have the same feature in Reading Fluency so we can see each child's individual progress over the year.
5 votes -
Benchmark Screen Flag Chart
I would love a universal screener flag pie chart as well as the dyslexia screener flag chart! We are having to track both in our state!
1 vote -
Progress Monitoring Report
The Progress Monitoring graph is very helpful; however, the Progress Monitoring Details are very limited and vague and should list more than the Domain score. I would like to know the ZPD level given for each Progress Monitoring test. This would be helpful and would help teachers better plan to close their instructional gaps.
15 votes -
Export Options for MAP Fluency Data
Can you export an .xls report with just the columns of data shown in the screener outcome report? ex: Universal Screener outcome (flagged/not flagged), and the Percentile score for each foundational skill-PA, Phonics/Word Rec, Lang Comp. This option would be really helpful!
2 votes -
Home Connection
- Provide a Family Report so that we can communicate student progress (for BOTH Map Oral Rdg Fluency AND Progress Monitoring)
- More resources to send home for students that have been flagged AND for students that meet benchmark but just made it
6 votes -
CSV Data
Really need to be able to download data as csv for analysis using wider range of excel tools. Also, the "In class activities"/suggested resources don't seem to show up at all when you try to print the instructional planning report as a pdf.
1 vote -
MRF Report
In the MRF export reports, student names are needed.
1 vote -
ORF Benchmark scores on Progress Monitoring page
I would like to see the Benchmark score for ORF on the same page as the Progress Monitoring. (When I look at the Progress Monitoring report for Phonological Awareness I can easily see the student's Benchmark test details as well as Progress Monitoring scores.) For ORF I have to go back to the Benchmark tab to see their score.
12 votes -
Immediate feedback for ORF
I have two students who take their Oral Reading Fluency before 8:00. Their scores come up immediately. My next group takes their oral reading fluency after 8:00. Their scores do not come up immediately. Giving students immediate feedback is IMPERATIVE.
4 votes -
Exportable Reports
Can a report be created that is exportable to excel or in csv that includes the data from the subskills i.e. being able to export the instructional planning report into an excel to include the student id? We're trying to use the subskill data to create student groups across a very large grade level. Being able to export would expedite that process versus having to take the current instructional planning report and manually enter into an excel. Thank you!
1 vote -
Accuracy Report Needed
Is there a report that we can get that determines what we need to work on for accuracy? Listening to the audio and determining what to work on, is a lot to put on teachers' plate.
1 vote
- Don't see your idea?