143 results found
"No Score" Report
A report to show students with "No Score"
3 votes -
Progress Monitoring data mirror benchmark data reports
It would be beneficial for the progress monitoring page to look similar to the benchmark report data.
5 votes -
interpretative tables
Similarly to when partners can utilize the question mark feature "?" to determine which MAP Reading Fluency test they would like to take (ie Benchmark, Dyslexia Screener, or Progress Monitoring) when assigning the test or the question mark feature "?" to click to learn more information about the various Benchmark test subtypes (ie AOR, AOR-PO, FS, & FS-Beginner) by providing the user with more information about each, it would be EXTREMELY HELPFUL if each respective interpretative table was "linked" beside the domain/category for quick access within each Report. This would avoid having partners to not only toggle between the two…
6 votes -
Progress Monitoring
Need the ability to easily see when a student has actually tested for PM and which measure - current dashboard doesn't make sense.
5 votes -
PLEASE PLEASE provide an option to print all progress monitoring reports. It is very laborious to print 50+ reports individually every three weeks.
9 votes -
MAP Reading Fluency reports
More MAP Reading Fluency bulk print options
MAP Reading Fluency report like the student profile5 votes -
View graphs of multiple students at one time- click on multiple students at once to view their PM graph.
Create a way that we can click the names of multiple students at a time, and then click a button to see the progress monitoring reports of all of them at once. It's time consuming to go in and click each student one at a time.
4 votes -
phonics breakdown reports
It would be helpful to have more of a breakdown on what phonic skills students are missing. Like blends, digraphs, vowel teams and so on.
3 votes -
Oral Fluency Score In Spanish
Reading Fluency
I would like to know why there isn't an Oral Fluency for Spanish!
Why isn't there a parent letter to help parents understand the results.3 votes -
Parent report
A parent friendly report is needed to send home for parents to stay up to date on their child's progress.
6 votes -
CSV Data
Really need to be able to download data as csv for analysis using wider range of excel tools. Also, the "In class activities"/suggested resources don't seem to show up at all when you try to print the instructional planning report as a pdf.
1 vote -
MRF Report
In the MRF export reports, student names are needed.
1 vote -
Benchmark Matrix Report add Student ID
Add Student ID to Benchmart Matrix report or, much better and already suggested in multiple places here (I tried to find and comment on all I saw but time is precious), create a Parent Report that has the student ID so that Districts/Schools can split it out per student and sent digitally via services like ParentSquare, SchoolMessenger, Bright Arrow, etc.
3 votes -
We would love a way to "batch print" reports.
4 votes -
Previous Years
I need to see historical data for students. I need to be able to look up students and see their fluency data for previous years.
4 votes -
Exportable Reports
Can a report be created that is exportable to excel or in csv that includes the data from the subskills i.e. being able to export the instructional planning report into an excel to include the student id? We're trying to use the subskill data to create student groups across a very large grade level. Being able to export would expedite that process versus having to take the current instructional planning report and manually enter into an excel. Thank you!
1 vote -
Accuracy Report Needed
Is there a report that we can get that determines what we need to work on for accuracy? Listening to the audio and determining what to work on, is a lot to put on teachers' plate.
1 vote -
Print-friendly Benchmark Matrix Report
Please create a print-friendly version of the Benchmark Matrix report for map Reading Fluency.
Also, a printable report comparing terms for each student would be incredibly helpful.8 votes -
Export Options for MAP Fluency Data
Can you export an .xls report with just the columns of data shown in the screener outcome report? ex: Universal Screener outcome (flagged/not flagged), and the Percentile score for each foundational skill-PA, Phonics/Word Rec, Lang Comp. This option would be really helpful!
2 votes -
Report Printing
Instead of basically "print screen" for a report, there should be a PDF option that's more condensed (i.e. not so spaced that a class report is 5 pages long). Printing any is SO CUMBERSOME. For how many options and formats are available with MAP Growth, it's so disappointing Fluency's are so lacking.
3 votes
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