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MAP Reading Fluency

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MAP Reading Fluency



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301 results found

  1. Progress Monitoring options for the language components:
    picture vocab and listening comp

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  2. We would love to have the test be adaptive for ALL grades to determine foundational skill deficits. Students in the upper grades cannot adapt down to foundational skills unless explicitly assigned the foundational skills benchmark but when determining the needs of students we would like to be able to see them move in either direction, based on their needs.

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  3. I would like to screen for dyslexia above 3rd grade.

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  4. Having students logging in multiple times to progress monitor is a mess. Students should not be able to take the assessment multiple times in one day. It should be auto-assigned a few days later to avoid this.

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  5. There are occasions when a student receives a "score" from the system but when you click on the student you see that only one passage has been scored. The other passages have received "no score" for a regular reason.

    It would be great if in these instances there was a flag or asterix against the student's score so it would be easier to identify if it is possible to hand score the student's other passages. We have found that if it is possible to hand score the other passages then it has a significant effect on the student's overall score.

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  6. If assigned multiple areas to progress monitor, all areas should be sent to students when they log in. Students should not have to log in multiple times to access each progress monitoring tool.

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  7. There needs to be more items in the test bank. Or have 2 test options (i.e pre/post or fall/spring). Our school likes to administer the dyslexia screener twice a year---to have as a pre and post data. This is helpful to see how students are progressing from the beginning of the year to the end of the year. And if the test is exactly the same from kindergarten to 2nd grade, it seems that it would effect the results. ALSO, the dyslexia screener item bank seems to be exactly the same as the benchmarking and progress monitoring pieces....which is also…

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  8. It would be nice if the test was divided into 2 parts. It is pretty lengthy for kindergarten and 1st grade students to complete in one sitting. I know you can pause the test, but that would not be as easy as just having the test already petitioned into 2 parts.

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  9. For a few sections, the voice giving directions interrupts the student's thinking. One of the most noticeable places is in the phoneme manipulation section. For example, they will say, "Flame, change the /l/ in flame to /r/." Then the voice will say something like, "Choose the picture," and interrupt the child's thinking on this comparatively more difficult task. This is too much for working memory, I had trouble myself. The directions (if needed at all there) should only be before the prompt.

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  10. Please list which test is in progress on the proctor dashboard. When giving the dyslexia screener only, I had to start a student over. The system then defaulted to Adaptive Oral Reading and I didn't realize it because the test being taken is not listed with the student names for those currently in a test.

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  11. Expand to include skills beyond decoding one-syllable words so that we can have a better idea of what 2nd and 3rd graders need to work on, and when we look at reports not everyone will be red.

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  12. To limit teachers from choosing the wrong tests for students for the required tests Missouri requires by grade level, please allow the tests on the Reading Fluency side to be similar to manage as those on the MAP Growth side, where I can change by grade which tests are available for teachers to choose.

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  13. I wish there was a version of the Dyslexia Screener that also included Oral Reading Fluency. This would be especially helpful for grades 2 and 3. These students need a dyslexia screener (by law). Obviously, teachers can assign the Passages only, but this requires students to log in a second time. I would prefer students being able to go straight in to the second assessment.

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  14. MAP Fluency and MAP Dyslexia Screener are both Missouri approved RSP vendors. The issue I am coming across is the testing windows that NWEA has set up does not match the timeline of the testing window that DESE (Department of Elementary and Secondary Education) for the state of Missouri. NWEA MAP Fluency Dates are as followed:
    Fall: June-November 30
    Winter: December 1-February 28 (Feb 29 on leap years)
    Spring: March 1-June

    Missouri Guidelines of when we are REQUIRED to administer the MAP Fluency and Dyslexia Screener are the following:
    Fall: grades 1-3 first 30 calendar days of school
    Winter:grade K…

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  15. Schedule data exports and make available via an automated retrieval of data export files.

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  16. FRENCH TEACHER says - Adding foreign language resources for second language learners (as well as immigrating families) would be a great idea. As things stand today (end of 2023), there are limited resources in/for Spanish. A more full service data management, reporting and skills testing platform would include commonly taught languages (uncommonly taught one too).

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  17. Can we get a composite score for Map Reading Fluency that shows students who are on track in all categories?

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  18. Export option to show only the latest scores. Instead of all. Multiple rows in the export file requires manipulation before uploading to other data warehouses.

    In our specific case, there were multiple scores in "ProgressMonitoringFoundationalSkillsPhonologicalAwarenessDomainScore" and only 1 score for OralReading WCPM. The rows with the different PA domain scores were empty in the ORWCPM column. And the import overwrote the ORWCPM as blank when it got to that row

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  19. An option is needed for students who were previously flagged but not this last testing. The report could include the dyslexia characteristics and the explanation that this screener is ongoing.

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  20. Having more reporting options, or less-cumbersome reporting where we don't have to toggle back and forth between students or test. Some ideas include a printer-friendly version for benchmark matrix; one student report with benchmark comparisons; pie graph for class for overall benchmark scores, as well as levels within foundational skills. There are so many report options for MAP Growth, it would be FANTASTIC to have the same for Fluency so as to better interpret data.

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