301 results found
Progress Monitoring data mirror benchmark data reports
It would be beneficial for the progress monitoring page to look similar to the benchmark report data.
5 votes -
interpretative tables
Similarly to when partners can utilize the question mark feature "?" to determine which MAP Reading Fluency test they would like to take (ie Benchmark, Dyslexia Screener, or Progress Monitoring) when assigning the test or the question mark feature "?" to click to learn more information about the various Benchmark test subtypes (ie AOR, AOR-PO, FS, & FS-Beginner) by providing the user with more information about each, it would be EXTREMELY HELPFUL if each respective interpretative table was "linked" beside the domain/category for quick access within each Report. This would avoid having partners to not only toggle between the two…
6 votes -
question about lexile ranges on ORF
In the Lexile Text Measure Range column when assigning oral reading prog mon, there is a ? that shows grade levels for each lexile range. There is no grade level shown for the 300-390L range. Under 300 is listed as up to 1st grade and then 400-490L is listed as 2nd grade. What grade level equivalency is the 300-390L range?
2 votes -
Support please
Hello, we are noticing that some students that are legible in the audio are not receiving a grade and we see insufficient data. Is the suggestion to report each one individually or are there best practices to support getting the audio graded.
3 votes -
Instructional Recommendations Activity Library
It would be nice to have a library of all the instructional recommendations so that you can find additional activities and materials, as well as use them for older students who lack phonemic awareness skills.
2 votes -
ORF with Coach
ORF with Coach is a bit cumbersome for students to use. There is too much time down time between activities, students say it's not engaging enough, and it's not easy to access. The voice is too robotic.
2 votes -
Different voices levels
There are different voices for the foundational skills section. Some of the voices are too soft...the volume is different than the other voices.
3 votes -
Progress Monitoring
Need the ability to easily see when a student has actually tested for PM and which measure - current dashboard doesn't make sense.
5 votes -
PLEASE PLEASE provide an option to print all progress monitoring reports. It is very laborious to print 50+ reports individually every three weeks.
9 votes -
MAP Reading Fluency reports
More MAP Reading Fluency bulk print options
MAP Reading Fluency report like the student profile5 votes -
View graphs of multiple students at one time- click on multiple students at once to view their PM graph.
Create a way that we can click the names of multiple students at a time, and then click a button to see the progress monitoring reports of all of them at once. It's time consuming to go in and click each student one at a time.
4 votes -
Touchscreen workaround
Our district recently purchased touchscreen chromebooks for all TK-2 students. While administering the NWEA MAP Early Skills Screener, I noticed that our 4 and 5 year old students are required to "drag and drop" in order to answer questions. This was impossible for most of them and they simply were not able to test without an adult operating the trackpad for them.
In chatting with a support rep, I was told that touchscreen chromebooks are not supported. I can't imagine that we are the only district using these, but I would like to suggest a simple fix: On the ipads,…
2 votes -
phonics breakdown reports
It would be helpful to have more of a breakdown on what phonic skills students are missing. Like blends, digraphs, vowel teams and so on.
3 votes -
Oral Fluency Score In Spanish
Reading Fluency
I would like to know why there isn't an Oral Fluency for Spanish!
Why isn't there a parent letter to help parents understand the results.3 votes -
Parent report
A parent friendly report is needed to send home for parents to stay up to date on their child's progress.
6 votes -
CSV Data
Really need to be able to download data as csv for analysis using wider range of excel tools. Also, the "In class activities"/suggested resources don't seem to show up at all when you try to print the instructional planning report as a pdf.
1 vote -
Progress Monitoring Frustrations
The idea of having students read using a mic for fluency progress monitoring is a novel idea. However, the practical side is not exactly working for many of our special education students and teachers. We are only looking for them to read for one minute for progress monitoring. Due to the system, they have to read the entire passage, with the comp questions, which ends up with a slew of issues and problems. Many students are timing out due to the length. We are seeing behaviors rise due to the frustrations of the length. Teachers frustration has risen drastically due…
1 vote -
Need Comprehension Questions Posted
I truly need to see the questions and answers in oral reading. When a student continues to get 5/6 wrong, it would be SO helpful to know what type of question it is AND how it is being asked to give better intentional teaching.
2 votes -
Determining Lexile Levels
Students are given different lexile levels to read in the Reading Fluency Test, they are able to read these passages with 80 to 100% comprehension, but are then given a lexile level significantly lower than what they were able to comprehend reading due to not being a fast reader. I would like to see a more adaptive fluency test where it takes comprehension scores into account when given a lexile level.
1 vote -
MRF Report
In the MRF export reports, student names are needed.
1 vote
- Don't see your idea?