324 results found
Benchmark Matrix Report Interpretability
Please freeze the header row to enhance interpretability when scrolling through NWEA MAP Reading Fluency Benchmark Matrix report - sales will double if this enhancement is made!
13 votes -
Show Growth in Phonics /Word Study
Schools need to be able to see students' growth in Phonics and Word Study. The term summary report shows the percentage of students at each level for Phonics and Word Study. This is helpful. However, we also needs a report that shows whether or not growth is happening in Phonics and Word Study. A report that compares the Phonics/Word Study Levels from BOY to MOY to EOY would be helpful.
11 votes -
Student log in improvement
Currently, the Reading Dyslexia testing requires students to log in using their unique NWEA credentials. Reading Dyslexia is given to our Kindergartners through second grade students. Since NWEA credentials need to be unique across all of NWEA, we have set user names as the email addresses for our students. We use the student first name, dot, last name @ our school district. org. Thus, we have Kindergartners who would need to enter something like: Nicklause.CampbellRichardson@capeelizabethschools.org in order to just start the test. If the kindergartner can type all of that....
There should be a way for the teacher to set…
17 votes -
Print Profile & Next Steps Information in Each Link
In the Profile & Next Steps section on a student report it would be helpful to be able to have each links information included on the report. Right now schools are having to take screenshots to add to the child's report. Currently, there's not option to print out each information for the links.
2 votes -
Send Email Messages about Upgrades & Bugs
Please send email messages to district staff about upgrades and any 'bugs' that have been discovered. There was a recent upgrade that caused disruption during testing. Also, please send email reminders about term turnover so that district personnel can inform school site personnel. This also caused disruption because a bug was causing students' tests to default back to English when the teacher had assigned the Spanish test. Thank you.
5 votes -
Provide Instructional Recommendations on Students Reports
When printing student reports the Instructional Recommendations are not included on the report. It would be helpful to know when facilitating follow up activities for individuals or groups.
10 votes -
Students Names on Every Page of Individual Report
When printing individual reports for a class it doesn't have the students name on every page. There are several pages that are included in their report. If any of the pages gets separated there's not way to tell who that belong to.
9 votes -
When looking at the "modify preference" tab, there is no indicator that these changes can only be made to MAP Growth.
When looking at the "Modify Preferences" tab, there is no indicator that the modifications being made are only being made to MAP Growth. As a school, we wanted to determine testing dates for MAP Fluency and thought we could create our own testing dates. Even in the instructions, there is no mention of MAP Growth vs. MAP Fluency. This would have been exceedingly helpful as we began testing during "our window" and fluency scores weren't available for our "Winter Term" as the default window had not yet begun.
3 votes -
Provide Test Results in Other Languages
Provide test results for families in Spanish or other languages if possible. There's a lot of school feedback asking for Spanish results to send home to families.
6 votes -
Side-by-side comparison of Fall/Winter/Spring Benchmark data
Have a side-by-side comparison of Fall/Winter/Spring Benchmark data. Allow teachers to see individual student growth in a straightforward step.
52 votes -
Deleting Benchmark and Progress Monitoring Scores
We need access to delete Benchmark and Progress Monitoring scores. Sometimes students accidentally sign on as the wrong person.
23 votes -
Add an enter button before submitting phonics test questions
When students are entering the graphemes to spell a word, they sometimes try out different combinations. When they put in the third grapheme, the system automatically submits the spelling. Could there be a submit button so they can self check their spelling first?
11 votes -
Norms calculator
Create an Excel calculator similar to MG norm calculator. Determine percentiles for domain scores, consider typical growth in domain areas, etc.
18 votes -
Add the ZPD students are working in to Progress Monitoring
We're really grateful for the expansion of Progress Monitoring into other skills that are vital for early reading success. Teachers have been eager to use the Phonics and PA progress monitoring, but the data that comes from it is underwhelming.
If teachers could see the student's current ZPD in Phonics and PA, it would help tremendously when looking at student progress. We love MAP RF and the ease with which teachers can see what students need next, and we'd love to see ZPD from MAP Reading Fluency Progress Monitoring.
24 votes -
Add percentiles to Progress Monitoring dashboard alongside domain score
Current view in progress monitoring includes domain score and ZPD level. It would be great to see the percentile alongside domain score.
42 votes -
In proctor dashboard, when assigning tests, allow the option to limit search to a teacher as well.
In proctor dashboard, when assigning tests, allow the option to limit search to a teacher and then the class list will populate for that teacher only. Currently teachers are having to go through the entire list of classes for their campus.
2 votes -
Worm character timeline
For some students the worm character doesn't wait long enough for a student to process and respond.
6 votes -
Spanish Reports
We need screener outcome reports available in spanish.
16 votes -
Change the Progress Monitoring Dashboard Back
It would be very helpful if you could change the progress monitoring dashboard back so you could see your whole class' latest progress monitoring scores. It is very time consuming (and our time is already so limited as it is) to click on each individual's name, click on progress monitoring, click the progress monitoring area, scroll down, etc. It was so much easier to access the scores the other way and also to see whose might need to be handscored.
29 votes -
What letters and sounds should work on.
For MAP Reading Fluency it would be a great feature if the individual student report showed what letters and sounds the student needs to work on based on how they performed on the benchmark test. Currently, it just shows what level and suggested activates to do with the student.
22 votes
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