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MAP Reading Fluency

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MAP Reading Fluency



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301 results found

  1. Kindergarten students have difficulty when one section is counting syllables and the next section is counting sounds. They get the two confused.

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  2. There is an issue with a student in the Fluency export. One student has data shifted so that fields such as grade level do not reflect actual grade level.

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  3. There should be a date provided for benchmark administration.

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  4. It would be helpful to have more of a breakdown on what phonic skills students are missing. Like blends, digraphs, vowel teams and so on.

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  5. Reading Fluency
    I would like to know why there isn't an Oral Fluency for Spanish!
    Why isn't there a parent letter to help parents understand the results.

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  6. It would be great if next to the students names on the name list there was an RA abbreviation for those students who require Review of Audio instead of having to click on their name and go inside of Benchmark or Progress Monitoring Oral Reading.

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  7. I would love a universal screener flag pie chart as well as the dyslexia screener flag chart! We are having to track both in our state!

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  8. It would be very helpful to be able to view and run reports for withdrawn students, specifically the new dyslexia screener. Once the student is withdrawn from our SIS and synced with Clever/NWEA, the student data reports can't be viewed/access in MAP Reading fluency .

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  9. Where are the parent reports for MAP Fluency like you get for MAP Growth?

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  10. By doing this, the students can focus the practice in only one skill that will then reinforce the target skill for the MTSS Intervention.

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  11. Add Student ID to Benchmart Matrix report or, much better and already suggested in multiple places here (I tried to find and comment on all I saw but time is precious), create a Parent Report that has the student ID so that Districts/Schools can split it out per student and sent digitally via services like ParentSquare, SchoolMessenger, Bright Arrow, etc.

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  12. In the Lexile Text Measure Range column when assigning oral reading prog mon, there is a ? that shows grade levels for each lexile range. There is no grade level shown for the 300-390L range. Under 300 is listed as up to 1st grade and then 400-490L is listed as 2nd grade. What grade level equivalency is the 300-390L range?

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  13. We would love a printable parent progress report from MAP Fluency that allows us to send home student test scores, ZPD etc. in a meaningful way to parents.

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  14. It would be nice to have a library of all the instructional recommendations so that you can find additional activities and materials, as well as use them for older students who lack phonemic awareness skills.

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  15. ORF with Coach is a bit cumbersome for students to use. There is too much time down time between activities, students say it's not engaging enough, and it's not easy to access. The voice is too robotic.

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  16. Is it possible to see all three benchmarks in 1 report for a student instead of toggling between each testing session?

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  17. An idea would be to calculate the percentage for the sentence reading fluency so that teachers don't have do that themselves. The column should automatically tell you who needs to take the next test because teachers do not have time to do all this extra work.
    Example: 20/22 - 90.1%
    Example: 14/17 - DNQ (Does not qualify)

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  18. The auto assign feature for progress monitoring is very confusing for classroom teachers. It would be better if we just had to go in and assign the progress monitoring ourselves.

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  19. I would love a Report that shows grade level and class progress monitoring scores at-a-glance. We are using PM data and have to go into each student's individual report to see if they have completed their progress monitoring for the week, or to see if homeroom teachers have been monitoring Tier II students. Thanks!

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  20. You can rollover the new benchmark expectations without auto-assigning the tests on your end. Auto-assigning also isn't helpful when you don't do Adaptive Oral Reading in Kindergarten due to state-wide requirements to use dyslexia screener. Please let districts assign themselves!

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