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MAP Reading Fluency

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MAP Reading Fluency



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  1. I would like to see the Benchmark score for ORF on the same page as the Progress Monitoring. (When I look at the Progress Monitoring report for Phonological Awareness I can easily see the student's Benchmark test details as well as Progress Monitoring scores.) For ORF I have to go back to the Benchmark tab to see their score.

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  2. It would be wonderful to have a student's benchmark domain scores also found on the Progress Monitoring chart. I know the scores can be found below the graph, but it would be helpful to have it on the graph as well, when looking at growth across the year.

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  3. As a "School Proctor" I should be able to proctor MAP Reading Fluency to any students at my school just like I can proctor other MAP Growth Tests to any students. Since I am not a homeroom teacher, I am not able to proctor MAP Reading Fluency tests and yet I am one of our school's learning support specialists. Because I don't have a class assigned to me, I cannot administer the MAP Reading Fluency Test. I think NWEA should give the same proctoring permissions for ALL tests (Growth and Reading Fluency) with the "School Proctor" permission. This is very…

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  4. I have two students who take their Oral Reading Fluency before 8:00. Their scores come up immediately. My next group takes their oral reading fluency after 8:00. Their scores do not come up immediately. Giving students immediate feedback is IMPERATIVE.

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  5. Can a report be created that is exportable to excel or in csv that includes the data from the subskills i.e. being able to export the instructional planning report into an excel to include the student id? We're trying to use the subskill data to create student groups across a very large grade level. Being able to export would expedite that process versus having to take the current instructional planning report and manually enter into an excel. Thank you!

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  6. Where is the nonsense word fluency results?

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  7. Is there a report that we can get that determines what we need to work on for accuracy? Listening to the audio and determining what to work on, is a lot to put on teachers' plate.

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  8. On the benchmarks, please gray out the DONE button until a minute or so has passed. Students want to hit it and we end up redoing tests.

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  9. Could you please add trend lines for the data graphs?

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  10. Hello,
    I have been having problems with the Fluency program booting me out. So, I have to log in multiple times while they are taking the test. I then noticed that when this happened, my students had problems with their assessment. As long as I kept moving my mouse to keep the program on, my students would be able to take their assessment without issue.

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  11. Hello! For Progress Monitoring, it would be wonderful if we could access class reports that tracked learners over an academic year and semester. This would be much more teacher-friendly than clicking on each student to see results. Having an organized printout/report that is simple to view by grade level, lexile, WCPM, and accuracy would be extremely helpful. Providing a class or grade level "view" for Progress Monitoring on the dashboard is crucial.

    Also, clicking on "status percentiles" for every learner is tedious.

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  12. We need the seasons for the southern hemisphere schools to be updated in order for data to be meaningful and useful.

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  13. There are occasions when a student receives a "score" from the system but when you click on the student you see that only one passage has been scored. The other passages have received "no score" for a regular reason.

    It would be great if in these instances there was a flag or asterix against the student's score so it would be easier to identify if it is possible to hand score the student's other passages. We have found that if it is possible to hand score the other passages then it has a significant effect on the student's overall score.

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  14. I wish the quadrant report and the family report were available in the MAP Reading Fluency. I also wish there was a report that showed every score for the whole year to follow their growth or lack thereof on a graph.

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  15. Show the detailed computer scoring on the passage so teachers are able to see where errors are occurring.

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  16. On the part where the kids are listening for a sound and having to choose the letters or put letters in a box, it might be helpful if they have a mouth saying it so they can differentiate the sounds by using the mouth. This will help our speech kids.

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  17. There are several things that would be useful in fluency reporting:
    1. It would be wonderful to access a report that compares a student's fluency progress from testings across the year. I always have to sit and individually compare from fall to winter, winter to spring, spring to fall, etc.

    2. It would be helpful to have a clear chart of how the fluency levels (below, approaching, meets, and exceeds) are reached for grade levels. It is hard to determine why a student is kicked back to phonemic awareness when others are not.
    3. When clicking on an individual student…

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  18. I wish there was a version of the Dyslexia Screener that also included Oral Reading Fluency. This would be especially helpful for grades 2 and 3. These students need a dyslexia screener (by law). Obviously, teachers can assign the Passages only, but this requires students to log in a second time. I would prefer students being able to go straight in to the second assessment.

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  19. Can there be a clear prompt for students before they have to read so they know to read aloud?

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  20. For progress monitoring data it would be nice to have a way to view all the data a once instead of clicking through each student.

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