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MAP Reading Fluency

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MAP Reading Fluency



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  1. Our district recently purchased touchscreen chromebooks for all TK-2 students. While administering the NWEA MAP Early Skills Screener, I noticed that our 4 and 5 year old students are required to "drag and drop" in order to answer questions. This was impossible for most of them and they simply were not able to test without an adult operating the trackpad for them.

    In chatting with a support rep, I was told that touchscreen chromebooks are not supported. I can't imagine that we are the only district using these, but I would like to suggest a simple fix: On the ipads,…

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  2. On the first passage for the Adaptive Oral Fluency Passages Only, could the students get some direction on which way to go (across or down) for the graphic novels?

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  3. Instead of basically "print screen" for a report, there should be a PDF option that's more condensed (i.e. not so spaced that a class report is 5 pages long). Printing any is SO CUMBERSOME. For how many options and formats are available with MAP Growth, it's so disappointing Fluency's are so lacking.

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  4. Let the user/teacher/admin determine the timeout/logout time. As a reading specialist, I look at scores frequently and have to log in 20+ times a day. It would be great if I could stay logged in.

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  5. It would be great to have a table that projects expected EL growth in each domain for foundational skills to make sure they're making appropriate progress, even though they will continue to be below expectations.

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  6. I truly need to see the questions and answers in oral reading. When a student continues to get 5/6 wrong, it would be SO helpful to know what type of question it is AND how it is being asked to give better intentional teaching.

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  7. Good afternoon! We have a bilingual program in our district and we need a Spanish dyslexia screener. Please and thank you!

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  8. There is a chart in MAP Growth that shows each child's growth over the years of taking MAP assessments in Growth. (Think the chart you see on your retirement statements. Is the line going up, down, or staying steady.) It would be great to have the same feature in Reading Fluency so we can see each child's individual progress over the year.

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  9. The recording of the MAP Reading Fluency oral passages have been extremely sensitive but also very inconsistent. Even if my whole class is quiet, it sometimes leads to a No Score i.e. a retest. It is very unrealistic to a classroom setting and very stressful on the children trying to stay quiet during a time that is supposed to be small group or station time. Is there any setting or trick to help avoid No Scores, despite a completely silent environment and a microphone attached to headphones?

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  10. I have watched several students make mistakes because the program doesn't pause and let students see their final response. There should be an enter button to make sure their answer is the one they want. It also just scrolls over answer choices too easily and students accidentally change their answers because the answer isn't "locked".

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  11. The Progress Monitoring graph is very helpful; however, the Progress Monitoring Details are very limited and vague and should list more than the Domain score. I would like to know the ZPD level given for each Progress Monitoring test. This would be helpful and would help teachers better plan to close their instructional gaps.

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  12. Can you export an .xls report with just the columns of data shown in the screener outcome report? ex: Universal Screener outcome (flagged/not flagged), and the Percentile score for each foundational skill-PA, Phonics/Word Rec, Lang Comp. This option would be really helpful!

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  13. MAP Growth has built in accessibility features for the Reading test. Could these be added to MAP reading fluency as well?

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    1. Provide a Family Report so that we can communicate student progress (for BOTH Map Oral Rdg Fluency AND Progress Monitoring)
    2. More resources to send home for students that have been flagged AND for students that meet benchmark but just made it
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  14. Really need to be able to download data as csv for analysis using wider range of excel tools. Also, the "In class activities"/suggested resources don't seem to show up at all when you try to print the instructional planning report as a pdf.

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  15. The idea of having students read using a mic for fluency progress monitoring is a novel idea. However, the practical side is not exactly working for many of our special education students and teachers. We are only looking for them to read for one minute for progress monitoring. Due to the system, they have to read the entire passage, with the comp questions, which ends up with a slew of issues and problems. Many students are timing out due to the length. We are seeing behaviors rise due to the frustrations of the length. Teachers frustration has risen drastically due…

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  16. Students are given different lexile levels to read in the Reading Fluency Test, they are able to read these passages with 80 to 100% comprehension, but are then given a lexile level significantly lower than what they were able to comprehend reading due to not being a fast reader. I would like to see a more adaptive fluency test where it takes comprehension scores into account when given a lexile level.

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  17. In the MRF export reports, student names are needed.

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  18. Please have reports where we can compare from fall-winter-spring. It is not helpful when we have to go from three different reports.

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  19. 1st graders are having difficulty tracking long passages on the computer. The Missouri State MAP testing allows students to use different tools when reading. One of the tools is a highlighter tape line. I would recommend this tool.

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