312 results found
What is the linking study
The article "What is the linking study and where can I find it?" When you click on this link, it gives the incorrect steps to locate .
It says:
then select your state from the menu.
It is missing the step where you select approvals by state.
This made it very difficult to find the linking study without support.
Why are the links not placed in the reports, as in previous years?
This would be more user friendly for teachers and districts to access.5 votes -
We purchased the assessment to use K-12 and were promised secondary course-specific assessments in Spanish, and now that we are giving the assessment, the Spanish does not exist. How do we provide the assessment to our Spanish language students? Or students who speak other languages? This is inequitable!
5 votes -
Easier Reporting for Tests Completed
I can run a report under manage students, but it is one student at a time. It would be more convenient if I could run a report for an entire grade to confirm that everyone has completed the four tests needed. Currently, I have to search for each student individually because we administer Math tests specific to the enrolled class.
3 votes -
UPDATE - Student Achievement Norms and Student Growth Norms Resources
Please update the Student Achievement Norms and Student Growth Norms Reference pages to account for COVID Gap and most recent national norms. This resource is crucial to truly analyzing our student data. Our teachers do not feel that norms from 4 years ago is dependable and accurate when analyzing their current data.
2 votes -
Enhancing User Experience on Bulk Update Page
I'm reaching out to emphasize the critical need for a checkbox feature on the bulk update page. Without it, selecting students for updates is unnecessarily cumbersome and time-consuming.
1 vote -
Resolve Resolution Errors
If you are having issues with native resolution errors in your NWEA testing window, try navigating to: Chrome>Settings>Device>Select the appropriateOU>Select - "Allow users to overwrite predefined display settings (recommended)">Change both "Custom external" and "Custom internal" to 95% or whatever percentage appropriately sizes your window without error.
You may need to reboot your Chromebook for the settings to update.
1 vote -
Partial Test RIT Score release
I work at a school and all students have learning disabilities, primarily dyslexia and reading comprehension struggles. That being said, most students take more than one day to complete the test and some even take 3 or more sessions. There are a few students who are unable to complete the test but have put in many hours and are able to get a RIT score.
It would be great to have an option where there is a "did not finish" button that allows us to end a test and obtain the RIT score, but as some sort of indication that…
3 votes -
Create a new tile for "Manage Testing Sessions" for all users
Create a new tile for "Manage Testing Sessions" for all users. This particular tile is beneficial to all users and it will be an easy access for "newbies" having trouble finding the "Manage Testing Sessions" to create, edit, and find saved testing sessions.
5 votes -
Getting Kicked off the Test
They should not get kicked off the test because they are a slower reader (there should be no time limit). I was informed they give them plenty of time before they kick them off. Whatever that limit is, it is not enough. I watched two students scrolling through and reading it and both got kicked off. It is not enough time. There should be no time limit at all. If there is, then it is a timed test. I was told MAP is not a timed test.
2 votes -
Shorten the MAP Growth Test
As an experienced teacher who has seen the MAP tests in action for several years, I feel that the test is too long for students. MAP-R especially requires a serious amount of reading stamina for 4th and 5th grade students. I saw that you measure growth in 3 areas on the test. I recommend that you shorten the test to 30 questions (10 questions in each area). This would be a better measure of students reading ability and comprehension because students wouldn't get as tired and just give up.
2 votes -
Rename "Growth Math 6+" to "Growth Math Secondary"
Many view the Growth Math 6+ as a 6th grade test based on the title. Given its content and span, I would recommend the name be changed to "Growth Math Secondary".
6 votes -
Ability to sort by student's first name.
5 votes -
Private School Norms
Be able to choose Private school Norms to show up in reports in addition to national norms. We are happy to be moving away from ERBs but that was a nice feature to use and families still want that information. I know we can look at the Achievement and Growth Tables for Private Schools but incorporating it into the reporting features would be much appreciated!
4 votes -
An Excel (vs current pdf) download of all users. Currently, I get a 20-page PDF with many of the same users at all our schools that I have to sift through visually in order to inactivate defunct users. It would be great to have the columns list the persons' last name, first name, and school. Thanks!
1 vote -
Update 2+ “What’s This Test About” video
The 2+ “What’s This Test About” video is a too young for our middle & high school students. The info is great but geared toward elementary students and is outdated. Please update with fresh content geared toward older students. We need a tool that teaches our students about the assessment AND gets them motivated to take the test.
4 votes -
My school is on the quarter system. I need the ability to compare 2 assessments taken in the fall, or 2 in the winter or 2 in the spring.
Please make it possible to produce growth reports for assessments given within the same period (Fall, Winter or Spring). We are on the quarter system at my school and it would be beneficial to see the results prior to student schedules / teachers changing
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Assign text-to-speech automatically based on student IEP, 504 and ELL plans.
When setting up a test session, TTS should be automatically assigned to those students who have it as an identified need on an IEP, 504 or ELL plan. TTS should be connected to a student account and not a Test Session.
3 votes -
Update to Rosters Import File Requirements
The new update to the rosters import file requirements necessitates that each row have a valid email address associated with it. In theory, this is a good idea. But in practice, it is causing more work for schools/districts who have classes that are not yet assigned to an instructor yet (for example, classes currently being covered by a long-term sub). Previously, we were able to upload the file with "Staff" listed in the instructor column. Now, I am forced to manually change 300+ rows of data to connect each student in these classes to the appropriate instructor account. The previous…
2 votes -
Graph Illustrating Student Growth In Instructional Areas
It would be nice to share student growth in the individual instructional areas (e.g. Matter, Energy, Motion) over the course of the school year. I envision a graph with Time on the X and Score on the Y and three lines (one per instructional area).
4 votes -
Display more than one test in a term on the Student Profile Page
I give students the course-specific math tests, and my district requires the 6+ Math growth test. This means that on the student profile page, I can only pull up the data for the most recent test (or the test with the better standard deviation). I also cannot print the data for both the course-specific and 6+ Math for individual students or their guardians.
2 votes
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