324 results found
Add test date(s)
Would love a date showing here to identify the date student took benchmark.
1 vote -
More reporting options
Having more reporting options, or less-cumbersome reporting where we don't have to toggle back and forth between students or test. Some ideas include a printer-friendly version for benchmark matrix; one student report with benchmark comparisons; pie graph for class for overall benchmark scores, as well as levels within foundational skills. There are so many report options for MAP Growth, it would be FANTASTIC to have the same for Fluency so as to better interpret data.
7 votes -
Change the Progress Monitoring Dashboard Back
It would be very helpful if you could change the progress monitoring dashboard back so you could see your whole class' latest progress monitoring scores. It is very time consuming (and our time is already so limited as it is) to click on each individual's name, click on progress monitoring, click the progress monitoring area, scroll down, etc. It was so much easier to access the scores the other way and also to see whose might need to be handscored.
29 votes -
More Term Information (Include Term Dates)
It would be nice for the site to note when the term start/end dates are in the term section, so teachers can be sure to not start the testing for students prior to the next term starting, or the previous term ending, depending upon the testing needs.
1 vote -
Have a status bar so kids can see their progress towards finishing
Have a status bar so kids can see their progress towards finishing
1 vote -
Student log in improvement
Currently, the Reading Dyslexia testing requires students to log in using their unique NWEA credentials. Reading Dyslexia is given to our Kindergartners through second grade students. Since NWEA credentials need to be unique across all of NWEA, we have set user names as the email addresses for our students. We use the student first name, dot, last name @ our school district. org. Thus, we have Kindergartners who would need to enter something like: Nicklause.CampbellRichardson@capeelizabethschools.org in order to just start the test. If the kindergartner can type all of that....
There should be a way for the teacher to set…
17 votes -
No voice after phoneme manipulation prompts
For a few sections, the voice giving directions interrupts the student's thinking. One of the most noticeable places is in the phoneme manipulation section. For example, they will say, "Flame, change the /l/ in flame to /r/." Then the voice will say something like, "Choose the picture," and interrupt the child's thinking on this comparatively more difficult task. This is too much for working memory, I had trouble myself. The directions (if needed at all there) should only be before the prompt.
2 votes -
Recalculate percentiles if a student's grade is adjusted
With MAP Growth, if a student is tested with the wrong grade level, you can change their grade level in NWEA, and their percentiles will be recalculated. That doesn't seem to happen with Reading Fluency. Can we fix that?
1 vote -
Passages listed in order of appearance on test
On the individual student report, it would be helpful if the passages read and corresponding data would show up in the order the passages were read by the student. This would help a teacher see how the assessment was adaptive and what caused the student to move up or down in passage difficulity.
1 vote -
Term Comparison by Dates
In the term comparison report, it would be helpful to be able to not just compare terms but also dates. Some assessments have been administered within the same "term" but I cannot see growth between one test date to the next.
1 vote -
Correct Order of Assessing
Do not allow the Reading Benchmark Assessment accessible (keep it locked) UNTIL the student has been given the Dyslexia Screener.
Because school districts are not doing it this way and as a teacher, I have to follow their rules. The data is skewed because they are seeing the same questions twice.
IF YOU LOCK the reading screener until the Dyslexia is given, then districts can't mess it up. You guys are the experts and know how it should work.
Also, in OHIO --- any kid that is red then has to have a reading improvement plan written. That would…1 vote -
Login Glitches
Help! My students have not been able to log in to complete their progress monitoring today. At first the website would not load at all and a few hours later, it seemed to be loading; however, no passwords were working even after they were refreshed. Thanks so much for any help you can provide. :-)
1 vote -
Progress Monitoring Dashboard Update
I think it would be beneficial to show the date of the last progress monitoring test on the dashboard. We have to progress monitor every two weeks and we work as a team to do this. Some students have been overlooked because it shows us the green dot, but not the last date.
1 vote -
There are NWEA MAP Reading Fluency parent resources in English, please also provide these in Spanish.
There are NWEA MAP Reading Fluency parent resources in English, please also provide these in Spanish.
1 vote -
Pause Button
Is there an option to have a pause button that could be chosen during the test, to ensure that the test saves? I had students stop mid-testing and when they logged back in, it started them over. A pause button could save progress and ensure the student doesn't lose their work.
1 vote -
Typecase Letters
The typecase a and typecase g can be difficult for students to read if they haven't been exposed to them before. This is not the standard formation of these letters. Are there plans to change the font so that these are no longer typecase in stories/questions students are reading?
1 vote -
Report print out
Is there a way to print only the current test results even if students have tested twice for fall?
1 vote -
Norms calculator
Create an Excel calculator similar to MG norm calculator. Determine percentiles for domain scores, consider typical growth in domain areas, etc.
18 votes -
export option
Export option to show only the latest scores. Instead of all. Multiple rows in the export file requires manipulation before uploading to other data warehouses.
In our specific case, there were multiple scores in "ProgressMonitoringFoundationalSkillsPhonologicalAwarenessDomainScore" and only 1 score for OralReading WCPM. The rows with the different PA domain scores were empty in the ORWCPM column. And the import overwrote the ORWCPM as blank when it got to that row
5 votes -
What letters and sounds should work on.
For MAP Reading Fluency it would be a great feature if the individual student report showed what letters and sounds the student needs to work on based on how they performed on the benchmark test. Currently, it just shows what level and suggested activates to do with the student.
22 votes
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