301 results found
Foundational Skills Tables
Move the Foundational Skills Tables directly under the ZPD Levels (it was previously like this). At some point within the last few months the order changed and it’s now: ZPD Levels, Sentence Reading Fluency, Foundational Skills Tables
2 votes -
Interpretive Tables
Previously, the Foundational Skills Table was located directly under the Zone of Proximal Development (ZPD) Levels. In the last few months, Sentence Reading Fluency Performance Levels/Grade-Level Expectations was put in between the two.
I would like to see the order as: ZPD Levels, Foundational Skills Table, Sentence Reading Fluency Performance Levels.2 votes -
Worm character timeline
For some students the worm character doesn't wait long enough for a student to process and respond.
6 votes -
Visual of Spoken Words
It would be great to have small video box showing someone saying the words, particularly when the skill is to discriminate phonemes like in skit and sit. Sometimes, it's hard to hear the difference resulting in errors.
1 vote -
Family reports in Spanish
Expand the capabilities of Spanish reporting
14 votes -
Provide more Think Time
Provide more Think Time, the caterpillar repeats the instructions too quickly, while students are still processing
1 vote -
Currently, 4 asterisks are used BOTH when passwords have not been set and when passwords have been save, but are hidden.
I would suggest that **** only be used if passwords have not been set.
Once they have been changed, it could say "hidden password."As a user, I thought that passwords were not being changed and saved.
7 votes -
Larger Text for Oral Reading Fluency
It would be amazing to have the option (or do it for all automatically) for the story text to be larger on the Oral Reading Fluency Progress Monitoring. It is large and readable in the practice but the assessment portion, it is so tiny my kids get lost frequently!!
1 vote -
progress monitoring is important!
test test test
2 votes -
When looking at the "modify preference" tab, there is no indicator that these changes can only be made to MAP Growth.
When looking at the "Modify Preferences" tab, there is no indicator that the modifications being made are only being made to MAP Growth. As a school, we wanted to determine testing dates for MAP Fluency and thought we could create our own testing dates. Even in the instructions, there is no mention of MAP Growth vs. MAP Fluency. This would have been exceedingly helpful as we began testing during "our window" and fluency scores weren't available for our "Winter Term" as the default window had not yet begun.
3 votes -
Allow admin users to see teacher's view
For those of us who train teachers and/or help trouble-shoot when teachers are having issues, it would be great if there was a way for admin users to select a teacher and then be able to "impersonate" or login as that teacher to see what they see. It would help me in providing teachers with instructions on how to fix their issues. Thanks!
1 vote -
Phonics Diagnostic Assessment
It would be nice if NWEA also offered a Phonics Diagnostic Assessment in addition to the Universal Screener.
1 vote -
Print Profile & Next Steps Information in Each Link
In the Profile & Next Steps section on a student report it would be helpful to be able to have each links information included on the report. Right now schools are having to take screenshots to add to the child's report. Currently, there's not option to print out each information for the links.
2 votes -
Provide testing and resources for older students
Older students (5-8) need additional solutions to help identify and monitor skillsets and reading capability
9 votes -
In proctor dashboard, when assigning tests, allow the option to limit search to a teacher as well.
In proctor dashboard, when assigning tests, allow the option to limit search to a teacher and then the class list will populate for that teacher only. Currently teachers are having to go through the entire list of classes for their campus.
2 votes -
Voiding a test item
The ability to void a test item
4 votes -
Benchmark Test Details for a grade level
Is there a way to get a report that will show us growth over time of all of the students? For example, Willa Aiello 9/12 was in the 95th percentile and as of 2/5 she was in the 99th percentile. I'd like to see that at a glance for a whole grade level. (kind of like the map growth reports from fall to winter)
0 votes -
Print friendly reports
The map Reading Fluency reports do not print out in a visually friendly manner at all. (Spread out, tiny print, not all data on one page...) Is there any work around for that? (Or can you work on that so I don't have to have a work around?)
0 votes -
Passwords and Usernames
If you can please allow teachers to assign usernames and save passwords for students. The usernames are completely random and hard to remember and anytime I create a password it resets and I have to change it again the next time that I login.
0 votes -
State specific
Move toward state specific standards and expectations.
0 votes
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